

+ Getting about 20 hours of sleep this week due to a little monster's restlessness

+ Being schooled on the “doing the bubble lips,” courtesy of my younger cousins. It’s when kids  people take photos of themselves poking out their lips and throwing up the peace sign of some variety. Sort of like this:

"Hey I'm hot" via
"Dueces, fool" via
My little cousin - there were so many 
to choose from (I'll hear about this later)

+ Hearing a new spin on the old saying, "move your feet, loose your seat":
    "tweet your meat, loose your seat"

+ Losing an awesome friend to cancer. R.I.P, Brandi. 

In a nutshell that was my KIND of week.!

What kind of week did you experience?

This post is a part of the Six Word Friday's weekly over at Making Things Up. #sixwordsfriday. Our topic this week:  "KIND"