Naps are a drag.
Well according to my son they are.
No, he really didn't say that!
But that's what I'm starting to get from his behavior.
(I'll spare you the number of weeks).
This dude, is the worse.
Let's start with last weekend...which is where the frustration normally begins - on the weekends!
Saturday, early rise, full day and no afternoon nap.
Sunday, a repeat of Saturday.
I'm sure we have it out every weekend.
(if you and I have ever conversed on the phone during nap drama time, you've heard the conversation)
I'm always like little dude, you've gotta take a nap!
You take naps at school with friends, you take naps at home, it's that simple!
(I just get the side eye. I'm not sure where he learned that).
Does the kid not understand his little body needs lots of rest?
Or that he will never ever, ever, ever get back lost sleep?
And that with plenty of rest his mental state will be awesome and that he won't be a horrible monster in the afternoon/evening?
I mean that's what research says so many words.
Or what about mommy - she needs a nap too, a mental break...research says that too
Okay, maybe I said that...but his nap time is my busy time!
...and now we're into the week
Monday, early rise, full day and no afternoon nap (at school).
And today, well it's Tuesday...and "I bet your bottom dollar" that the little dude didn't take a nap.
But wait it's not the weekdays I'm too worried about, school can deal with that.
Then again...
thought about it - I should worry!
No nap at school makes for a monster in the evening.
I guess I'm screwed either way.
To think there was a time when I had this nap thing all figured out.
Any suggestions? Quick the weekend is fast approaching?