
Life happens late at night.

I usually enjoy a cigarette or three at night, mainly around midnight…sometimes 3 or 4AM…depends.

I don’t smoke indoors; I really don’t think it’s a good thing to do.

I like to take a small walk while smoking and find it enjoyable to smoke right near my neighbor’s window.

You can bet I’m going to carry my cell phone with me so I can talk, you know, that’s what we young folk tend to do – we’re connected at the ear and hip. 

What can I say? My friends and I like to talk. Okay, usually it’s me doing most of talking. I’ve got a lot of things going!!! For example: 

Last month I was extremely upset over this dude I had been dating for about a week. So I took a walk, had few smokes and called a friend. I told my friend that I was upset over this guy I liked a lot and that he was acting funny towards me. I told her that I gave it up to him (we had sex). I usually wait a few dates before having sex with the guy I’m seeing.  I told him this beforehand as well. Everything was fine and then he started acting funny. I thought he and his girlfriend may have gotten back together – he says they didn't. I just wanted the real story.

I said I was going to ignore him…but I just couldn’t.  I called him up the other night to see if he wanted to go out but he told me had to work. I was just so frustrated. I called him back after he got off of work and asked him what was he doing? Asked if he want to get it in before going to bed? He said "i dunno," I guess – so I went over his house and we had sex, then I left. 

Another time, I had some friends drive me home after hanging out, I was so toasted. We hung outside, smoked a few cigarettes, talked and laughed.  My one friend even left his car window down and car radio on so we could hear some tunes…good times.

Then there was the time, I had to console my friend who got put out of her house and oh wait…her boyfriend dumped her. We sat outside smoked cigarettes and conversed to the wee hours in the morning.  

What can I say – life happens late at night…ya know?

{The above are my observations of late night conversations which disturb my sleep by my obnoxious neighbor. One can assume this gal is, 1.) Not very mature and has no concern for others, 2.) This gal really enjoys her cigarettes and late night conversation, 3.) This girl has yet to feel or experience the TOTAL wrath of my madness. }