
You are guilty.

Yes you are.
I’m guilty too.
As a matter of fact, the entire world is guilty!
It was done to us as we were growing up and it’s only by habit that we continue and pass this type of behavior on.

What is it?
An old wives tale….also referred to as an “old wise tale

As a mom to a toddler old I haven’t had the opportunity to use any of these "tales" on my son...but sooner rather than later I’m sure I will. I could now tell my son something like, "If you pick your nose and eat the boogers, your tummy will get clogged with boogies and you won't be able to breath (and you'll die)"! However, he'd just look at me and repeat what I'd said and continue to do it! 

Cruel? Possibly but boogers are nasty - especially his. But, shhhh...don't tell him I told you his visible secret. Growing up a few of my favorite old wives tales were:
  1. If you step on a crack you'll break your mother's back.
  2. Breaking a mirror will earn a person seven years of bad luck.
  3. Don't swallow gum or it will stay in your stomach for seven years.
  4. Don't make silly faces or your face will stay that way forever.
  5. It's bad luck to open an umbrella indoors.
  6. A man must be the first person to enter your house on January 1 of a new year.
  7. If you or someone sweeps your/their foot while sweeping you get bad luck.
  8. You should put butter on a burn.
  9. If the palm of your right hand is itchy, money will be coming your way. But, if you scratch the right hand while it is itchy, it’ll keep the money from coming.

Source: marquetteturner.com

And my personal favorite from my mom, which has me scurrying at the end of the year (till this day):
  • If your house is not in order (clean, including all laundry) by December 31st, your house will be dirty all year long.

What “old wives tales” are you guilty of telling your child/children to discourage unwanted behavior or scare them? What old wives tales do you hold from your childhood?