- Peddling your tricycle is for you to do, not mom (granted I could use the exercise)
- Mom picks the boogers, not you.
- You wake up late, you eat breakfast at school not at home.
- Just because the "Cat In the Hat" thinks he knows a lot about that does not mean you do too - nor Sally, Nick, or Fish.
- Sleep...it's awesome and I'll never get the kazillion hours I lost during my 20's and early 30's or nurturing you back, so stop manipulating my sleep and I'll stop manipulating yours.
- It is not required that we go to the store everyday after school...so please stop asking when I pick you up (and maybe the teachers will stop looking at me weird)
- You can NOT continue to run out into the street because you love the chase, to pet some unknown animal, because you have to say hi to the squirrel, or because you want to cop a ride someone's bicycle.
- Prolonging the time you lay in bed does not get you off of potty duty in the AM.
...more to come...