
the Library.

E: Mom, read me a book please.
Me: Okay, well lets sit here on this fancy recliner and read a book.
E: Okay

[we sit and I began to read the book. However, E decides he rather get another book...so I let him go and pick another book - he comes back with a new book]

Me: Okay, let's read!

[I began to read the book]

Me: Hmm E, this book is umm, mmm, interesting and very long
E: okay, I will go and get another one

[E gets up and runs to grab another book. In the process he passes two women]

E to the women: Hey, I will be right back okay! I got to get another book. Mommy doesn't like the one I got!

Lessons Learned/Reinforcements:
Your kid will tell your business to anyone.