
Goodbye Hipster

My Love,

Within the last month it has come to my attention that I have to end my loveship with you.

Will it be hard to do? Yes.
Is it really necessary you ask? It’s debatable.

I really hearted you.
You were so sleek and so light.
...the one to keep me cool and dry.
Your structure, seamless...a no-show smoothness.
And breathable indeed. 
Just like you said.

I had options with you - classic options - white, taupe, black, and baby blue.
Seriously, who could ask for any other?

And to think, i just checked the other day and there were 4 stars by your name.
I saw that someone name Xantha, obviously felt the same way about you.
 “Comfortable and had no ride up”…is what Xantha stated.

That’s how I felt too…well, in the beginning.
However my love, these days you’re not feeling so sleek or light.
I mean it’s like you're suffocating me...
I feel your presence EVERYWHERE I go.
And you know that no-show smoothness? Well, it’s showing.

So I guess ending my loveship for you is necessary and is not debatable.
I’ve held you close to me for so long because I really just don’t have time to search for another of your stature.
Please don’t be upset. Please know that I enjoyed our time together.
I am sure some young gal will come along, be wowed by you and experience all you have to offer her. But for us, we have reached the end of our journey.

And my love, if you should decide to change your structure, let me know…I’d be willing to try you out again. Stay classy.
